WINTER HOURS until Friday, February 14, 2025: Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm, weather permitting. Please call in advance to ensure that someone is in the office before you make the trip down to Turkey Point. REGULAR HOURS RESUME Tuesday, February 18, 2025: Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm, weather permitting.…
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How to find London Children’s Hospital Charity Bass Tournament Information on our Website
If you're looking for information on the annual London Children's Hospital Charity Bass Tournament, it now has its own page on our website! Just click Marina & Dockage on the main homepage, then scroll down to Bass Tournament. If you are on mobile, please type into your browser. Thank you for your support!
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MacDonald acquires the Turkey Point Hotel

APRIL 11, 2019. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: After being owned and operated by Dick and Mabel Assel since 1961, The MacDonald family has acquired the Turkey Point Hotel. "We are excited to buy a renowned business that has a great reputation and to continue the legacy. Congratulations to Dick and Mabel on their retirement." expressed Danny…
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How To Boat From Turkey Point, ON To Erie, PA

When many people think about summer, they think about family picnics, camping and baseball games. Many boaters in the Long Point Bay area think about swimming, fishing, Pottahawk, Long Point and even Erie, PA. For those of you who have ventured out to 'the point', you're nearly half way to Erie! From the gas dock…
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